Instagram Print

Instagram Selfie and Photo Printing System UI Design


Creation of an User Interface for automatic Instagram photo printing machine. The User can enter a hashtag or Instagram username to print pictures. In addition, the User can make his own photo using the integrated camera.

It is necessary to issue three options:
– universal
– for installation in “AUCHAN” stores
– for installation in Sergey Dolya’s bar – “Dolkabar”


An interworking UI with the following parameters was created:
1. All photos are horizontal, that will allow not processing the angle of reflection when displaying.
2. In order to attract the User’s attention to “Selfie” service, the bottom of the screen displays an image from the camera under the transparent unit. Thus, when approaching to an automatic machine, the User immediately sees the opportunity to make a selfie. Moreover, only a half of the face is shown, aiming to interest the User in clicking the “Selfie” button and seeing the entire image. It can be useful even for a passerby, who noticed his movement reflected on the automatic machine.
3. All items are made in a vector format, which will allow changing their size with no loss of quality. All animated elements are provided with “standard” and “active” statuses.
4. The printing type of the “Promo” unit for “Dolkabar” screen was made of ceiling inscriptions in “Dolkabar”.
5. Various options of designing the buttons, pressed on the keyboard, for 3 screens that preserve the room style were made: the universal one suitable for use in all styles was made firstly.


A universal virtual keyboard with different design of buttons in action was created for three decisions. When pressing a button, it changes its color depending on the visual decision in the terminal.

  This layout is for sale

as is, or you can change it to your needs
